Tuesday 20 September 2022

Meshed split-skin graft

Split thickness graft (Thiersch graft) consists of epidermis and part of dermis. The graft is taken with a special knife which cotrols the skin thickness. This may be carried out with either free hand knife (Humbeys knife) or with a powered instrument called dermatome. The split thickness graft is approximately 0.25 mm thick. The usual donar sites are the anterior aspects of the thighs, arms and buttocks ; the donar sites heal from the skin appendages (hair folllicles, sweat glands) in 10 to 15 days. Sometimes, the donar site may not be adequate to cover the defect. In these situations, the graft is passed through a mesher who creates multiple longitudnal holes in the graft. There are two advantages of messhing the graft :

1- It increases the surface area of the graft up to two times.

2- Any haematoma or seroma gets removed through these holes. 

Partial thickness skin grafts, if kept moist, can be stored at 4 degrees centigrades for 3-4 weeks.

Meshed split-skin graft

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