Tuesday 20 September 2022

Phases of healing

Healing is a natural process and it occurs in three phases

1) Inflammatory Phase (also called reactive phase):

It is the immediate reaction by tissues with formation of fibrin clot mesh with platlets, with release of coagulation factors and cytokines, initiating healing. It limits amount of damage and prevents further injury. This phase lasts for 2 to 5 days.

2) Proliferative Phase (regenerative or reparative phase):

The combined processes of epithelization, fibroplasia and angiogenesis occur in order to replace dead and missing tissues. This phase lasts for 2 days to 3 weeks.

3) Maturation Phase (remodeling phase):

The new matrix contracts with cross linkage of collagen and the scar tissue matures, with loss of edema. This phase may take 3 weeks to 2 years to complete.

phases of wound healing

The phases of healing. (a) Early inflammatory phase with platelet-enriched blood clot and dilated vessels. (b) Late inflamma- tory phase with increased vascularity and increase in polymorpho-nuclear leukocytes and lymphocytes (round cells). (c) Proliferative phase with capillary buds and fibroblasts. (d) Mature contracted scar.

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